Friday, January 6, 2017

Vayigash - Exile and Redemption

What is the significance of Chushim ben Dan's arrival on the scene in Egypt as Yosef was about to reveal himself to his brothers? Why does he also play a significant role as Yakov is about to be buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs? How does this parallel what will happen in the future in the war of Gog and Magog, when Sherya, a great-grandson of Dan will fight side by side with Moshiach ben Dovid? Why does Yosef have his dreams twice, but they do not seem to be fulfilled immediately - as opposed to Pharaoh who had his dream repeated, and Yosef interpreted this to mean it would occur immediately?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 21:39

1 comment:

Shimshon said...

Everything that transpires after Yosef's dreams are part of the fulfillment of them. Also, his dreams were over two nights, not one. Pharaoh's dreams took 14 years to fulfill. Or, at least nine, if you want to say that their purpose was to reunite Yosef with his brothers, and get them to bow down to him.